Thursday, October 16, 2008

Your Jar is Open

Martha Whites, Mary depictions, and mother mysteries. The first three chapters of The Secret Life of Bees had a lot going on. What are your initial thoughts? Please share!

You know how this works. We'll throw a topic on the table, but the rest is up to you. In addition to sharing your initial thoughts, "your jar is open," where are you flying away to?

After this weekend's discussion, meet us back her next Friday, we'll be discussing chapters 4 & 5.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Announcing Book #2!

It is time to announce Reading RAYnbow's second book! One of your moderators is anxiously awaiting the release of a new movie based on her favorite book, so in honor of this upcoming release we'll be reading "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. Grab a copy and join us for the first discussion of Chapters 1 - 3 on October 17!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Final Thoughts on The Last Lecture

Hello everyone! Better late than never on this post. Julie has just been slacking with her duties, and Melanie's out of power for a few days thanks to Hurricane Ike!

Here are a few prompts that we'd love to get discussions started on:

~ WORDING: In much the same way as Randy's doctor answered his question of "How long before I die?" with "Three to six months of good health" and as Disney workers respond to the question "What time does the park close?" with "The park is open until 8." what experiences have you had ... which place you on either side of the question negatively or answer positively ... and how did that positive answer impact the individual questioning.

~ FUN TROUBLE: Has anyone out there either been in "Uncle Randy's" position or in Chris and Laura's position ... how'd that relationship impact you?

~ BRICK WALLS: "Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something." Comments? Reactions? Thoughts?

~ DREAMS: Any parents ... what dreams do you have for your children? Future parents - can you dream for your future children? Dreams for friends? Dreams for family?

~ FINAL THOUGHTS; And the second head fake ....

Please stay tuned for our next book. We hope to have that finalized by Octoer 1st.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Never leave a book hanging...

The time has finally come to finish The Last Lecture! Look for the final discussion to take place on Saturday or Sunday. We look forward to hearing your final thoughts on this wonderful book.

We'll also be announcing our next read by the end of the last chance to submit a request. You KNOW you're excited!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Section II discussion

Reading Ray, here! We hope you enjoyed Section II of The Last Lecture as much as we did. To kick off our discussion this week, post about which was your favorite of Randy's childhood dreams and why?
Also, still no suggestions on what we should read next. Are you SURE you want to leave all the power up to Julie, Melanie and I???

Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Let's Keep Moving

Hello All,

Thanks for taking part in the first Reading RAYnbow discussion. Sorry there's been a delay in posting from your hosts! Let's get moving again and start discussing Section II on Friday, August 22nd.

Also, it's time to start exploring what we're going to read next. Please post book or article titles, topics, authors, and genres between now and Friday!

Friday, August 8, 2008

There certainly is a lot going on in the HLA world, between the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics and patches, and Helping Hands, not to mention everything else going on in the busy lives of all the readers. We’re glad you’ve stopped by to take part in the inaugural Reading Raynbow discussion of The Last Lecture!

Before we begin, please note a few things about this and future book discussions:
First, please only discuss the section or chapter of the book that is designated at the time. If you are like me, Julie and Melanie, it is hard to restrain yourself from reading ahead, but be sure not to post any “spoilers” for those individuals who have only read the pre-determined material. Second, we (Melanie, Julie and me, Ray) are only the guides on this literary journey. We’ll through out a question or two in our post, but you, dear readers, should post anything else you’d like to discuss with the community. The discussion path will follow your lead.

Now, on to our question on The Last Lecture, chapter 1! What do you think of Randy's decision to pursue the Last Lecture Series?"

On your mark, get set, go!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome to Reading RAYnbow

Take a look,
It's in a book,
Reading RAYnbow!

Welcome to the first installment of Reading RAYnbow, the book club brought to you by the letters J, M, and the website Highlowaha - where creative ideas are born every day. Reading RAYnbow is not just any book club. It is where creativity meets a love of reading.

We have selected the first Reading RAYnbow book based on the recent response to a post on HLA. If you are interested in participating in future discussions, please go beg, borrow or steal (okay, don't steal, but you get the idea) a copy of The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and Jeffery Zaslow. Discussion on the first section of the book will begin Friday, August 8th. We hope you will meet us back here, to start reviewing this excellent read.

In the meantime, we are requesting suggestions for future book titles, topics, authors, and genres. Maybe you want to read Tuesdays with Morrie. Maybe you are interesting in reading something about balance, leadership, or spirituality. Maybe you want to read the newest Nicholas Sparks or J.K. Rowling. Maybe your interested in fiction or biographies. Pick your poison(s) and post as many as you like. We'll draw a suggestion whenever it is time to pick the next book. If you're not interested in Reading RAYnbow's first literary pick, please post your suggestions and check back for the next pick!

Watch for our lively mascot to post updates on HLA. Happy Reading!