Friday, August 22, 2008

Section II discussion

Reading Ray, here! We hope you enjoyed Section II of The Last Lecture as much as we did. To kick off our discussion this week, post about which was your favorite of Randy's childhood dreams and why?
Also, still no suggestions on what we should read next. Are you SURE you want to leave all the power up to Julie, Melanie and I???

Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Let's Keep Moving

Hello All,

Thanks for taking part in the first Reading RAYnbow discussion. Sorry there's been a delay in posting from your hosts! Let's get moving again and start discussing Section II on Friday, August 22nd.

Also, it's time to start exploring what we're going to read next. Please post book or article titles, topics, authors, and genres between now and Friday!

Friday, August 8, 2008

There certainly is a lot going on in the HLA world, between the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics and patches, and Helping Hands, not to mention everything else going on in the busy lives of all the readers. We’re glad you’ve stopped by to take part in the inaugural Reading Raynbow discussion of The Last Lecture!

Before we begin, please note a few things about this and future book discussions:
First, please only discuss the section or chapter of the book that is designated at the time. If you are like me, Julie and Melanie, it is hard to restrain yourself from reading ahead, but be sure not to post any “spoilers” for those individuals who have only read the pre-determined material. Second, we (Melanie, Julie and me, Ray) are only the guides on this literary journey. We’ll through out a question or two in our post, but you, dear readers, should post anything else you’d like to discuss with the community. The discussion path will follow your lead.

Now, on to our question on The Last Lecture, chapter 1! What do you think of Randy's decision to pursue the Last Lecture Series?"

On your mark, get set, go!